Do you know how to get tea stains out of mug
How to get tea stains out of mugs?

Do you often drink tea? According to the Tea Association, there are more than 159 million Americans who drink tea every day. It is also reported that Americans consumed more than 84 billion servings of tea or more than 3.8 billion gallons. That’s an impressive number, right? 

There is nothing greater than a steaming cup of hot tea. If you often start a new day by pouring a cup of tea, there is one thing you’ll need to know- how to get tea stains out of mugs. Those brown rings around the top of your mug can spoil the look of a porcelain tea set. If you’re wondering just how to get rid of tea stains in mugs, here are our handy tips on how to get tea stains out of mug you should try. 

How To Get Tea Stains Out of Mug

Wondering how to get tea stains out of mug
How to get tea stains out of mugs?

Before you get to work, it’s necessary to know the material of your mug. Each material has a different solution. Some materials such as stainless steel or stoneware take special considerations. Many mugs can be put in the dishwasher but for heavy stains, pre-washing can help get rid of stubborn spots. Take a closer look at specific methods for each material below. 

How to clean tea stains from ceramic mugs

Want to know how to get tea stains out of mug
How to get tea stains out of mugs?

There are various ways on how to clean tea stains from ceramic mugs but we’ve just compiled three easy ways to follow.  Make use of these methods to remove coffee and tea stains. These cleaning items you may already have in your home. 

Soak with Soap

Dish soap is a great way to get tea stains out of mugs. Pour a little soap into your mug, enough warm water to cover the stain, and swish the mixture around. Leave the mug for a few minutes (longer for stubborn stains) and let the dish soap penetrate the stain. Then rub the tea stain with a sponge. 

Take advantage of lemon

Lemon is one of the great natural cleaning solutions to clean tea stains. Add a slice of lemon and fill your mug with hot water. Allow the mug to sit for about 30 minutes. Then pour out the water, use a wet paper towel and wipe the mug inside.

Scrub with Baking Soda

If the soap isn’t effective with the stain, here’s how to get tea stains out of mugs with baking soda. Sprinkle about 1 tsp. baking soda on the stain and pour a little water to create a paste. Rub the stain with a soft sponge. The abrasive nature of baking soda will help eliminate tea stains from your mug. Once you’ve finished rubbing, wash the mug well to lift any remaining baking soda. 

Turn to Vinegar

Vinegar is another must-try cleaning method. To remove tea stains from the mug, pour halfway distilled white vinegar inside it, then fill the top with extremely hot water. Let the mix sit for at least 10 minutes to give the vinegar to work. After soaking, use dish soap or a soft sponge to rub the stain away, then rinse. 

How to get tea stains out of travel mugs

How to get tea stains out of mugs
How to get tea stains out of mugs?

Most travel mugs have stainless-steel interiors. This material is fantastic for keeping drinks warm and is really simple to clean. When it comes to how to get tea stains out of travel mugs, there are various easy ways like using soap, baking soda, or vinegar.  

These methods can be used on stainless steel. Though dishware mugs can be put in the dishwasher, read the instructions carefully if you want to do the same with travel mugs. 

How to remove tea stains from plastic cups

How to get tea stains out of mug-plastic cups
How to get tea stains out of mugs?

Are you on the hunt for how to remove tea stains from plastic cups? It’s easy to get rid of tea stains from plastic cups. You can clean the mug with alcohol, baking soda, white vinegar, bleach, salt, and more. Repeat the same step above to get tea stains out of mugs. Keep in mind that the faster you clean your cup from first spotting the stain, the easier it will be removed. If you wait to clean your mug for a while, it may take a couple of times to eliminate the stain.

How to remove tea stains from cups with baking soda

How to get tea stains out mug- do you know

When it comes to how to get rid of tea stains in mugs, baking soda is one of the most efficient cleaning products. As a mild abrasive, it works well to eliminate stains while not damaging fragile materials. To clean tea stains in cups, wet the mug inside with cold water, and scatter in a thin layer of baking soda, so that it covers all brown spots. 

Leave for a few minutes, and then wipe all around the brown area with a cloth or sponge. Next, use your dishwashing detergent and wash as usual. So, do you know how to remove tea stains from cups with baking soda? 

Prevent future tea stains in mugs

How to get tea stains out of mug including travel mug

The best defense is a good offense. Coffee or tea stains won’t have the opportunity if you clean your mug after you finish your drinks. Even if you can’t clean the mug immediately, rinsing will get rid of any lingering drops of coffee or tea. When these remnants disappear, you don’t need to worry about stains forming. In addition, remember to choose the right tools. If your mug is tall, pick a bottle brush that will adequately reach the bottom.

Final Thoughts

Though tea definitely tasted delicious, its flavor can leave behind dark stains on your mug. Sometimes, tea stains are easy to remove, but others require more effort depending on the mug material. Hopefully, this guide helps you know how to get tea stains out of mugs so that you needn’t worry about any stains when you sip tea or make a cookie in a mug.