Shrek is one of the most popular animated films of DreamWorks Animation, the character Shrek is considered a treasure of the studio. So, there is various merchandise about this character including Shrek Slut Shirt. Explore the character below!
Shrek Slut T Shirt Meaning
Shrek slut shirt reminds us of Shrek, a 2001 3D animated film released by DreamWorks Animation, based on a fairy tale comic book named Shrek! The film has been widely praised as an entertaining cartoon for adults, with plenty of adult jokes and songs but still with a plot and humor simple enough for children.
The film ranked third on Bravo TV’s list of “100 Funniest Movies”. Shrek is a large, intimidating ogre with green skin and a Scottish accent. Though he has a fearsome appearance, he has a kind heart. The main character Shrek also received a lot of praise from readers, despite his rude personality, he has a strong love for Princess Fiona.
But, how about the word “Slut”? What does it mean?
Shrek Slut Funny T-Shirt Information
Take a look at detailed information about Shrek Slut Shirt below:
Material | Made From Cotton |
Color | Printed With Different Colors |
Size | Various Size (From S to 5XL) |
Style | Hoodies, Tank Tops, Youth Tees, Long Sleeve Tees, Sweatshirts, Unisex V-neck, T-shirts, and more. |
Discount | Sale Up To 30% Off |
Imported | From the United States |
Brand | Tshirt At Low Price |
[1] Cambridge Dictionary [2] Wikipedia, Shrek